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Care of kitten without cat at home

When a small kitten appears in the house, it must be helped to adapt to the new conditions. The baby's psychological comfort and health depend on it. So that a fluffy pet can live without problems, a set of essentials is prepared for him. Great importance is attached to hygiene procedures, good nutrition, rapid vaccination. It is not difficult to take care of a kitten if you follow all the rules of care recommended by veterinarians.

Daily needs
Before bringing a newborn or adult kitten home, you need to purchase a tray with a filler, food bowls, a claw, toys, grooming tools, bedding, transportation. Most of these items will be required to care for an adult cat, so their choice should be approached responsibly.

Even if it is assumed that the cat will walk outside in the future, the little kitten will need a home toilet. If an adult pet does not leave the house, the tray will remain a permanent place to meet daily needs. Therefore, the capacity of the toilet should initially be convenient to use and clean. All modern models of trays are divided into two types: closed and open. The design of the latter suggests the presence or absence of charge.

open trays with a grid are not filled with absorbent material. They allow you to save on filling. But these toilets require quick cleaning, otherwise the air in the house will accumulate a specific odor. If the container is filled with filler, the problem partially disappears, since most materials have adsorption properties. The closed trays look like a house. For them, special fillers are used which absorb the smell of urine and do not leave marks on the legs. A closed toilet is practical in the house, because it looks aesthetic and does not create problems caused by the unpleasant smell of cat feces. A feature of the closed tray is its large size, so it can be difficult for him to find a place in the apartment. Another conditional disadvantage of these products is the high price.

The child should be used to the toilet from the first days of life at home, delaying this time of education until later can create unwanted problems.
Tray filler
Cat tray fillers vary in composition. This determines their appearance and their principle of action. According to the last criterion, the toilet material is divided into two types: lumpy and absorbent. When wet, the particles of agglomerating filler stick together in pieces. After removing them, a new portion is added to the container. The complete replacement of such a charge is carried out every 5-7 days. The composition of the agglomerating varieties can be different, most often clay minerals:

Clumping clay paste is only recommended when the kitten is older. This is due to the fact that babies often try to taste everything, and the mineral lumps that have entered the stomach can cause health problems. In addition, wet particles adhere to the legs. For small cats, a load based on ground corn cobs, paper, wood is desirable. If such lumps enter the intestines, they exit naturally, without harming health.

The absorbent load, unlike ordinary sand, consists of large or small granules with high adsorption capacity. After wetting, the liquid is quickly absorbed by the material, leaving the bottom of the tank dry. The composition of the material can be very different:
- clay minerals;
- blotters (clay with paper);
-wood chips;
- silica gel;
- granulated corn.

During kitten care, this material is changed each time the animal has gone to the toilet. The choice of load is determined not only by the characteristics of the components, but also by the preference of the kitten itself. If for some reason the material causes rejection in a young cat, then it is worth trying another variety.

Choose a place for the toilet
Most often, the tray is placed in the bathroom or toilet. In this case, the problem of the odor and the unattractive appearance of the accessory after its visit by the cat is resolved. But in this case, it must be ensured that access to the bathroom is always open for a small animal. In some cases, the container is placed in the corridor. It is practical for a cat, but not always comfortable for a person. The compromise in this situation is the closed tray.

Scarlet point
The cat's growing claws require constant sharpening. If a scratching post is not prepared, damage to upholstered furniture in the house is guaranteed. Different types of devices help satisfy the cat's reflex when sharpening claws. It can be a board fixed to the wall, covered with a soft thick cloth or a vertical column with coiled sisal thread. The scratch point work area should be at a height accessible to the baby.

To train a kitten, it is recommended to bring it for the first time to this accessory and to put its paws on a rough surface. You can optionally spray the sharpener at home with catnip. A pleasant smell will attract the kitten to the device and gradually it will get used to sharpening its claws in this place.

Cooking tools
The rules for caring for a kitten dictate the need to select three bowls for food. The first is for water, the second for dry food, the third for wet or liquid food. The quality of the material from which the dishes are made remains at the discretion of the owner. It can be plastic, metal, ceramic, glass. The main thing is that the bowls are solid, without chips or cracks.

Another necessary condition is the stability of the containers. A sliding bowl on the floor will make the cat uncomfortable with the food. To avoid any discomfort, it is advisable to choose plates with a stable platform, the surface or edge of which has a non-slip coating.

When buying plastic dishes, you must make sure that they do not emit harmful substances (phthalates) that can cause acne in cats.

Fluffy crumbs love to play, so they need to prepare a variety of toys and fun. Finished and homemade products are suitable for play. Pet stores offer a wide selection of toys for jumping, rolling and moving. It is important that they meet several requirements.

First, the toy should not be too small, otherwise an inexperienced baby can swallow it. Second, only light objects that a weak kitten can move are suitable for reading. Third, the product should not be too hard so that the growing cat does not break its teeth when biting.
If a kitten has to play alone, provide sound toys - they will create a feeling of feedback
Hygiene and toilet articles
Hygiene procedures are mandatory for cats of all ages. Caring for a kitten includes combing hair, cleaning ears and eyes, and bathing. Do not ignore the teeth and claws of the animal. For all nursing activities, it is necessary to prepare a set of tools and tools.

To keep the cat's coat in perfect condition, you will need combs in the shape of a brush, comb, mittens. For a long-haired animal, the kit is completed with a slicker and a koltunorezom. Short haired kittens are combed once a week, long haired - up to three times. During the moult, this procedure is repeated daily.

The hypoallergenic shampoo is purchased from detergents (preferably with the conditioner effect). When the baby reaches the age at which bathing is allowed, these hygiene items must already be ready. You can also keep your coat in a clean and beautiful condition with grooming sprays. They clean the wool from dirt, make combing easier and allow you to do without water procedures.

To take care of the kitten, you will need cotton swabs and sticks, hydrogen peroxide. Using these accessories, the ears are cleaned once a month.

Caring for newborn kittens
Deckchair. A born kitten needs 24-hour care, especially if it is left without a cat - a mother. Its "nest" should be equipped with a warm stove bench. To do this, use a warm heating pad. It is put in a basket or box where the baby sleeps. An alternative would be a plastic bottle filled with lukewarm water (about 36-38 degrees) and wrapped in a tissue. After two weeks, the temperature is reduced to 28 degrees, after another week - to 24 degrees. Caring for a kitten using a bed heater is extremely important if it is a small sphynx or any other hairless representative of the cat family.

The food. If the cat feeds the young with milk, then feeding them with natural food does not start until the fourth week of life. Caring for a motherless newborn kitten is a little more difficult. The baby should receive food every 2.5 hours, even at night. They feed him with a pipette or a bottle, on the nose of which is worn a nipple. After each feeding, the container is sterilized and each time a fresh portion of milk is prepared. The orphan is fed a special substitute for cat milk, which is sold in pet stores. To temporarily feed, you can use rice broth.

Hygiene Around the eighth day of life, kittens open their eyes. If this event is delayed, contact your veterinarian. Using a simple procedure will help open up centuries. On the 14-15th day, the kittens already hear fully and on the 20th day they start to move independently. At present, kitten care consists of simple hygienic procedures aimed at preventing inflammation. If the kitten grows without a mother, then to simulate licking, they wrap it with a damp linen towel and easily massage the belly. This massage improves the digestion of the newborn kitten and helps to go to the toilet.

How to care for two month old kittens
The food. From the second month, an adult animal is transferred to a more advanced menu. It includes lean meat (beef, turkey, chicken), sea fish, dairy products, vegetables, cereals. The kitten should not be offered river fish, bones, whole fatty milk, potatoes, pasta. All salty, smoked and spicy dishes are also subject to exclusion.

If ready-made food becomes the choice, it should be marked "for kittens". The frequency of feeding during this period is 5 to 6 times a day. A two month old kitten considerably increases the mass and the mark on the scale reaches a value of 680 to 900 grams.

Toilet. The tray is placed in a permanent place. At this age, the cat is still misdirected and she has not gotten into the habit of going to the bathroom in a certain place. Therefore, the task of the owner who takes care of the kitten is to help him get used to it. For this, the animal is put manually in the tank. To draw attention, you can use special sprays that spray directly on the load.

Hygiene The procedures for keeping a kitten at 2 months remain the same. It is to clean the ears with cotton pads, to wash the eyes with boiled water, to comb the hair with special brushes. From two months, kittens can already bathe. Water procedures are not used more than once every 4-5 weeks.

The vaccination . Vaccination begins when the cat is 2 months old. Vaccination helps protect a still weak body from the plague, the virus, rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and rabies. Some multivalent vaccines contain a component against chlamydia. Before that, the animal should be treated for ectoparasites and worms.

Chipping. At 2 months, a young cat may already be chipped, although veterinarians believe that it can be done sooner, since the introduction of an electronic chip under the skin does not affect the well-being and health of the cat. 'animal. The tiny bullet contains complete information about the cat: name, date of birth, address and other important data.

Treatments at 3 months and over
The food. The diet of a fluffy adult during this period is very diverse: meat, fish, milk, cottage cheese, egg yolk, cereals, vegetables, cereals (except for corn). Food can be offered in pieces. But in a bowl, you can't immediately spread out the entire daily feeding speed. The animal has not yet learned to clearly control its appetite, so it can overeat. The norm of a diet is 200 grams per 1 kg of animal weight. At 3 months a day, the kitten eats 400 grams of food and at 4 months - 600 grams.
Natural foods and moist foods should be hot.
Hygiene Kitten care includes the usual set of hygiene procedures, which is supplemented by brushing your teeth. At four months, the cat bursts all its teeth, therefore the prevention of dental problems in domestic hermits is necessary. The teeth are cleaned with small brushes and a paste with a pleasant smell.

Vaccination At 3 months, the cat is vaccinated a second time. Revaccination includes the same drugs as those used a month ago. The next vaccination is planned in a year. After the procedure, you should carefully monitor the health of the animal. With the appearance of apathy or anxiety, temperature, sneezing, swelling in the injection area or other suspicious symptoms, you should contact a veterinarian.

An exciting period for the owner to take care of the kitten passes quickly. But if the animal is surrounded by care and attention, many problems bypass it. Kotofey grows and develops according to his age and enters healthy and cheerful adulthood.
